A Landing a Day

A geography blog where random is king . . .

4. About ALADus Obscurus

For years on this blog, I would begin each post with some seemingly-obscure comments about USers and OSers and my Score.  To clean up the body of each post, I decided to discuss these pressing issues (at least to me) in their own box off to the side:  ALADus Obscurus.  If you don’t know anything about OSers and USers and my Score (and for some reason actually care) go to the “About Landing” tab.

In May of 2020, I posted the following ALADus Obscurus:

As you regulars may notice, this is an expanded version of ALADus Obscurus.  And why, you might ask.  Well, I was talking with my son Jordan (the very person who pointed out the fatal flaw in my original random lat/long methodology).  And he said that his only complaint with ALAD was in fact, ALADus Obscurus.  He yearned for the old days, when I always presented a string of numbers, relating to the OSed-ness or USed-ness of that day’s particular landing.  So here goes – documenting today’s Mississippi landing – and note that the numbers relate to my 271 landings since (thanks to Jordan) I changed how I generate my random lat/longs):

5/4; 5/10; 318/314/314; 6 where:

  • 5/4 = # of hits for MS (5) / # of hits that MS “should” have, based on its area (4); i.e., MS is now an OSer
  • 5/10 = 5 of my last 10 landings have been USers.
  • 319/318/314 = Today’s Score / Score for previous landing / Record low Score
  • 6 is equal to  the number of landings since the last time I had a record low Score